Tag Archives: Central planning

Modi is a Second Nehru

Modi Nehru

As I have pointed out in the past, the present government of Narendra Modi in New Delhi is nothing more than a shadow of the past Nehru government as far as it comes to the matter of economic policy. Let me point out the similarities between both governments.  Nehruvian economic policies  Planned economic development Modern […]

What’s Wrong with India and Its Economy?

Indian Economy

Recently Mises India President Dr. Madhusudan Raj sat down with Mr. Yohan Tengra of Anarchy for Freedom to discuss India and its economy and to give insights on the root cause of what has created the many and various economic and social problems in India. He discussed subjects such as: Is Arvind Kejriwal our potential savior? Why […]

Modi’s Central Planning Folly

Modi government, since again coming to power with even bigger majority than in 2014, is centralizing the economy and the society at a rapid pace. It is bringing out one central plan after another one. It is trying to dictate every little thing that is going on in India. For example, apart from the flurry […]